When I checked my e-mail account this morning I found six new messages waiting in my inbox. They were all from my brother. And they all contain new pictures of our farm project.
Whenever I call home to get an update on our mini project, I always wish I could see the changes happening over there. Adjectives and verbs are not enough to describe what's going on. If only they could take pictures and e-mail them to me. The problem is they don't have a digital camera, and even if they have one, they don't have a PC either.
So whenever my brother (who has a camera and a PC) goes there to visit, I always remind them... take a picture... take plenty of pictures!
Thumbnail of images attached to one e-mail.
I haven't even checked each of the images yet because there are so many, and already I'm all giddy on my seat. I randomly selected pictures to look at from the thumbnails list. And what can I say? Even though a few were either over- or under-exposed, all I can say is they are all good... all good!