A view of the 'nursery' from the uppermost part of the farm.
Because much of the farm is not equipped with any water system and the back half is elevated and sloping, the men are tasked to take care of the transplants. It's a laborious task since water must be manually fetched from the wells and watering holes to where the plants are which are then individually watered or soaked. This chore must be done daily until the wet season sets in.
The women are in charge of the plants in the 'nursery' where water is more readily available and easier to fetch. Their task is a little easier since they don't need to lug buckets of water up and down the slope in the heat of the day.

Part of the farm's upper area that needs landscaping.
As seen from the picture above, the upper area is a blank slate. Aside from the very few trees randomly planted here and there, the vegetation is composed mostly of wild grasses and weeds. Because there are no structures to shade the new transplants they are exposed to the heat of the sun from sunrise to sundown. So they are carefully being monitored for signs of stress until they are acclimatized to their new locations.
Now that they have been moved around, it has become really apparent that the number of plants we have collected and propagated since early '09 is a mere handful compared to the area that needs to be planted.