The leaves which usually grow in rosette form and their various vibrant colors make Bromeliads a sought after plant by collectors and non-collectors alike. They come in different colors, shapes and sizes from several meters tall to as small as the Spanish moss (also a Bromeliad). Price range vary from below a hundred pesos to several thousands of pesos.
Avid collectors would not flinch at spending thousands just to get hold of the rarest or the most beautiful kind. I humbly admit, I am NOT one of these people. The Bromeliads we have in the farm could be classified as the 'common' kind.
So why collect the 'common' species?
Simple. In combination with other plants or by themselves alone in thick clusters, even the most common Bromeliads lend a unique landscape look to a tropical garden. They are perfect ground covers especially when accented by outcroppings of boulders here and there.
As I have mentioned in a previous post, we started to collect (or should I say amass) Bromeliads a few months ago. The pictures above show the extent of what we have in the farm right now. For landscaping purposes these are not enough yet. So they are trying their best to tend to the ones we already have with the hope that they will naturally multiply by producing pups. Hopefully too, we can purchase some more in the future.
Below is the type of Bromeliad we used to cultivate in the farm, not for aesthetic but rather for consumption purposes only. Yes, pineapples are Bromeliads too, the edible type.

Our pineapple crops have given way to herds of goats and sheep.