Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Garden update #5 --- more plants

A new batch of plants have been delivered. This would be the last batch for the year 2009.

Like the other previous batches, this is another hodgepodge of plant varieties. As much as they can, they would look for the plants that I tell them to look for. When they find the ones I specified, they buy as many as they can fit in the van, or as much as the day's budget permits.

But sometimes they end up buying one or two specimens of other plants that are not on my list. And this is where my headache begins. Usually they get the local names but not the botanical names. And since usually, they are unfamiliar to me I try to research more about them on the internet. When I don't find them on the web, that's where my curiosity gets stirred like a pesky itch that needs scratching.

So here are the new plants about to join the established ones on the farm:
  • Alpinia zerumbet - "Shell ginger"
  • Alternanthera ficoidea - "calico plant" ("kutsarita")
  • Canna indica - "Canna" ("bandera espanola")
  • Coleus blumei - "Coleus" ("mayana")
  • Etlingera elatior - "Torch ginger"
  • Heliconia
  • Iris - "Blue iris"
  • Mentha - "Mint"
  • Ocimum basilicum - "Thai basil"
  • Ocimum tenuiflorum - "Holy basil"
  • Pachystachys lutea - "Golden shrimp"
  • Passiflora caerulea - "Blue passion flower"
  • Passiflora edulis - "Passion fruit"
  • Phyllostachys nigra - "Black bamboo - slim stemmed"
  • Plumeria
  • Tagetes patula - "Marigold"
  • Tapeinochilus ananassae - "Indonesian wax ginger"
  • Tibouchina urvilleana - "Glory flower" ("tibouchina")
  • Zingiber spectabile - "Beehive ginger"
  • ??? - "Begonia tree"
  • ??? - "Kalanjoy cactus"
Some plants get repeated over and over. That is deliberate since we are still in the process of collecting as much plants as we can.